Monday, November 29, 2010

November Pictures

November was a slow month.  We visited with friends and had a great time going to our programs - but we didn't have any exciting events.  Here are a couple of pictures of play dates with our friends:

Hanging out with Daddy

The Cheerios party


The drool that we're dealing with...

Sophie and Jeremy on a little play date


Jeremy's Car

A friend of Justin's from work passed on this little car from his kids.  Jeremy loves riding in it and he even holds on to the steering wheel.  It cracks us up!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SJ comes to Ontario

SJ and Peter came to Ontario for a wedding so we drove down for a day with Melissa and her Mom.  We had a great time visiting and watching the boys 'play'.

In the car on the way to Pickering - a happy traveller.

The boys on their swings - taking turns checking each other out

Jeremy chilling out on the swing

SJ and Peter

Cutest little explorer ever - REALLY wanted to eat these little treats from the ground

Enjoying the sunshine and the climber - what a great day!

It was difficult to get a picture of these two because they just wanted to play with the holes on the climber floor
But...they finally did look at us for a brief moment

Peter chewing his apple and hanging with Spongebob

Monday, November 1, 2010


We had such a great time for the whole week leading up to Halloween!  Jeremy and I went to two halloween parties with our Mom groups.  Then we all went to Channer Keene's first birthday party as a family.  On Sunday, we went trick-or-treating with Jeremy - just to the neighbours houses.  It was great!

Our happy dragon!

Jeremy and Justin with Andrea and Cole

The Paper Bag Princess, the Dragon, and Prince Ronald

Brody the adorable monkey

"WHAT are you wearing?"

Jeremy was actually much happier with his costume on his lap!

Our JB Mom Group - the happiest halloween ever!

Jeremy and Gavin are all ready for the group photo

Jeremy dancing in his costume

The three ladybugs - Lauren, Arielle, and Jax

Finn and Melanie

The South Baby group - Will, Sophie, Jeremy and Preston

Seriously cute babies!

Jeremy and Will chilling out

Preston arrives in his Halloween 'outfit'
Charlie Brown

Preston takes a break after a crazy morning!
Will also needed a little nap to recover from the party