April was a much quieter month in Jeremy's life. We are starting to get into the swing of things and even sleeping a little bit more at night. The highlight this month was watching Jeremy start to respond to us and smile more. What a great feeling! We were really lucky to have Paul's camera for the month so we could capture these moments - thanks Grandpa Joe! Here are some pictures from April:

Tummy time


An afternoon visit with Steph and Baby Grozelle

Jeremy looking right into the camera
Our little man is starting to hold his head up all by himself!

A visit and a cuddle with Grandma

This is a wrap that holds Jeremy so that I can make dinner and take care of the house (who are we kidding? I just like walking around with him in it!)

A visit with Grandpa Joe

Jeremy's favourite place to take his afternoon snooze...

Daddy cuddles

Mommy cuddles

Now there Jeremy is more alert, every once in awhile we can convince him to look at the camera.

One of Jeremy's first smiles!

No matter what we put in front of him, Jeremy just loved looking out the window or into bright lights.

An afternoon visiting with the Gates'. This is Brody and Jeremy staring at Justin while they 'play' on Brody's mat.

The evidence of Brody punching Jeremy in the face (the first of many times, I'm sure)

Jeremy is stealing some time on Brody's play matt.

Walking with the Bjorn around the Gates' neighbourhood.

Jeremy in his PUMA onesie from Justin's vollebally team.
He looks just like Justin!!! I love the pic of him snoozing -- sooooo adorable!