We spent May 24 in Grand Bend. It was the best weather we've had in years and the McMillan's got a lot of work done (Jeremy didn't help much). We had a chance to see Grandma and the Crokes for a visit at Joys. Here are some pictures:

We took Jeremy's chair to the cottage and he spent lots of time playing with his favourite orange giraffe.

Not impressed with the car seat these days.

Jen and Sara with the Croke cousins swimming in lake Huron.

Jeremy with Kate. I'm holding Naomi, who was born in December.

Jeremy had a few snoozes during this visit - here he is with Great Aunt Joy.

Here's another snooze - this one with Grandma.

Cousin Rohan checking out Jeremy.

Sleepy Jeremy

Hanging out with Grandpa.

Laughing for Grandma.

Jeremy refuses to take a soother, but he loves to suck on people's fingers. Soon he will figure out how to put his own thumb in his mouth....we hope.

Serious looking Jeremy with his GrandBend Lifegaurd shirt on.
Yay, the outfit fits! I love the pic of Jeremy laughing with your mom. He is getting soooo big!