Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Jeremy and Will

Sam and Pete came to the cottage for a couple of days to look after us.  The boys had a great time in the pool and playing at the beach.  Jeremy was a bit of a terror, but it was a relaxing visit (oh yeah, except for that intense game of Jungle Speed).

Will playing with the drift wood

Daddy and Jeremy, playing in the water

A seriously happy beach bum

Sam was the wagon ride master

A plane!

Chilling out with his Dad on the hammock

Practicing for his modelling days, perhaps?

Moving the pool into the sun to warm it up

A plane?


  1. Love, love, love these pictures! Ahhh... jungle speed. That's all I can say about that game :) Thank you SO much for the cottage getaway you guys... We had a great time!

  2. Such adorable concentration in that last one!
